I love my kindle. Ever since I was a little child I had my nose in a book, revelling in the adventures of the Famous Five or exploring Hogwarts alongside Harry and his chums.
I know some old fashioned people out there are against the kindle, but I think it should be embraced. I love books, proper books with a funny smell and creased spines, but reading is a big part of my life. The kindle has made it easy to take hefty books on the train with me, or a number of PDFs to lectures without lugging a folder to campus. I'm going travelling for a year in the summer, and the thought of not being able to take books with me would be awful.
My boyfriend has now also got a kindle, he seems to have never read often, much to my annoyance, but the kindle seems to have changed this. I want this to continue! And that means keeping the kindle safe from harm. Also, chucking it in a rucksack and hauling it around Asia without a cover would just be stupid.
So here is the first of possibly two patterns for a kindle cover. It is written to fit the newer kindle (6 inch screen without the keyboard), however for the older kindle with the keyboard, I will add instructions in brackets throughout.
It has two sides, an intricate cable panel on the front (much easier then it looks I promise, don't panic beginner knitters!), and a cute little heart on the back. Like I said, I heart my kindle! It's made to fit quite snugly so there is no need for a fastener.
Materials needed:
Skein of DK yarn in desired shade (I used Hayfield bonus dk shade 0891)
3.5 mm dpns, or circular needles
Cable needle
Two stitch markers
Pm= place marker
Sm= slip marker
M1= make one
Sl=slip stitches
K2tog= knit two stitches together to make one stitch
Cast on 56 stitches
Pm before 1st stitch, K2, P2 rib for 1 inch
Slm k1 m1 k26 m1 k1 pm, k1 m1 k26 m1 k1 (60 stitches)
K 5 rounds (older kindle 10 rounds)
1: P3 *sl3 onto cable (hold in back) k3 k3 off cable repeat from * 4 times p3 slm k30
2-4: P3 k24 p3 sm k30
5: P3, K3, *Slip 3 to Cable Needle (hold in front) K3, K3 off Cable needle repeat from * 3 more times, K3, P3 sm k30
6-8: P3 k24 p3 sm k30
Repeat rounds 1-8 twice (older kindle three times)
9: P3, *Slip 3 to Cable Needle and hold in back, K3, K3 off cable needle*, repeat from * 4 times, P3 slm k9 p4 k4 p4 k9
10: p3 k24 p3 slm k8 p6 k2 p6 k8
11: p3 k24 p3 slm k7 p16 k7
12: p3 k24 p3 slm k7 p16 k7
13: P3, K3, *Slip 3 to Cable Needle (hold in front) K3, K3 off Cable needle repeat from * , K3, P3 slm k7 p16 k7
14: p3 k24 p3 slm k7 p16 k7
15: p3 k24 p3 slm k8 p14 k8
16: p3 k24 p3 slm k9 p12 k9
17: P3, *Slip 3 to Cable Needle (hold in back) K3, K3 off cable needle, repeat from * 4 times, P3 slm k10 p10 k10
18: p3 k24 p3 slm k11 p8 k11
19: p3 k24 p3 slm k12 p6 k12
20: p3 k24 p3 slm k13 p4 k13
21: P3, K3, *Slip 3 to Cable Needle (hold in front) K3, K3 off Cable needle repeat from * twice K3, P3 slm 14 p2 k14
22: p3 k24 p3 slm k30
23: p3 k24 p3 slm k30
24: p3 k24 p3 slm k30
Repeat rounds 1-8 one more time
K2tog k26 k2tog sm k2tog k26 k2tog
K28 sm k28
K2tog k24 k2tog sm k2tog k24 k2tog
K26 sm k26
K2tog k22 k2 tog sm k2tog k22 k2tog
K24 sm k24
Join edges together using Kitchener stitch.
Fit your kindle inside, and you're good to go!
Happy Knitting!
Any questions don't hesitate to ask!

I've nominated you for a Liebster Award!
Thank you for sharing!!! I can adapt it to my ipad ;)
Thank you Sparkle, let me know how it goes :)